Tuesday 11 August 2015

How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts ?

"How to write SEO friendly blog post"
Optimizing your blog posts is a main key to get Higher Search Engine rankings.If you know that how can you optimize your posts then it is such a great key to be successful in blogging career and get a high rank in search engines.Writing SEO friendly articles are not such a difficult task but you have to make hard efforts to achieve a goal by reading diffrent kinds of articles related to SEO. So Lets talk about writing SEO friendly posts that how can you get a higher rank in search engines by writing a strong and SEO friendly blog content.

How To Optimize Your Blog Post For SEO

Point #1: Content Is Everything:

"Content Is King Of Article"
The First thing that you have to keep always in mind that : Content Is A King Of Every Blogger Post " . The stronger will the content of your article the more will you get high ranking in search engines. If you do each and every thing and make your hard efforts to be SEO friendly but your content is worthless then you will never get a good rank in search engines because content is everything in the eye of search engines.So before you start to write any article you should have to pick a super topic and a strong content that will work for you. If you cannot write any post by yourself just pickup a topic and search on google about that topic and read others website content . I am not saying about copying others content but i am saying that you can get an idea about the topic by searching on it from diffrent sites. And Second thing is that try to write long articles .Search engines rank long articles more than small articles. If You are not agree with this fact you can yourself search on google about any topic and see first 10 results of website ranked by google will surly have more than 2000 words.

Point #2: Use Keywords:

"Google Keywords"
The Second Step Is To use keywords.There are alot of keyword planer or keyword analyze tools are available online such as Google keyword planner and many others. Here i tell you the main use of keywords. Just suppose you are writing article on " How can you generate more traffic on your blog" .So first open google adword keyword tool and then enter the keyword you want to check and check the competition that which of the keyword is in the competition now a days. So after entering your keyword you will come to know that which keyword has more competition and which has less or does you use right keyword in your title or not?

Point #3: Be Original:

Dont Copy Others content
Always Be original don't try to copy anyone content. If you write naturally or you will write your original content than surly google and other search engines will rank you high because google and other search engines are too smart they can quickly know about the copyright content and they will mark your blog as copyright and will not rank any of your content .So if You Don't Know how can you check copyright content than read this "check that is your content copyright or original ? 

Point #4: Highlight Your Content:

Always remember that visitors like highlighted content .So make you content look like professional you can also highlight headings and main points that visitors can easily read it by Bold,Italic and underline. If the visitor can not read you full article at least he/she can read the highlighted points that would be help full for him. You can use Diffrent pictures , videos and some colour full headings to make your post look professional.

Point #4: Title Tags:

When Writing a post you have to divide your content into categories so that the visitors will not get bored. To Make categories  of your content you can use title tags in your article which are
  • <h1> = Heading 1
  • <h2> = Heading 2 ............. Up to <h6> = Heading 6
Use title tags from H1 To H6 .

Point #5: Meta Description:

"Meta description"
Meta Description is the description that appears below your article when ever you search a article there is a description written below it which is called meta description.And it plays a very important part in Search engine rankings . But When Adding Meta description you should be very carefull for adding meta description that you use a strong and target keyword in 150 characters as shown in the image .Just suppose i wrote a article on "How To make a Blog On Wordpress ?". In Meta description i will write something like this that it contain a strong keyword. "In This Article I Will Teach You That How Can you make a blog on wordpress ".

Point #6: Images:

Images are the most important source to express what you are trying to explain the visitors . If You are writing any article of about 2000 words and you are not placing images on it then surly your content will not look like professional and the readers got bored .So when you are writing any article use diffrent kinds of images related to it. One more thing when you are uploding any image use ALT Tags .ALT Tags are important whenever you are uploading images beacuse it provides a high ranking in search engines. Search engine bots look ALT Tags to check that either your article contain images or not.So when adding ALT Tags you should also have to put a strong keyword in it such as 
Text of Image : "how-to-start-a-blog-on-wordpress ?"ALT Tags : :How to start a blog on wordpress "

And if you dont know to add ALT Tags Then First upload picture > Click on the image > Select properties . And then add your ALT Tag.

Point #7: Internal Linking:

Internal Linking When Writing a article keep in mind that link your one article with others it will not only increase ranking but also it will help crawlers to crwal article of your blog. But when linking your article with other keep in mind that use relevant links in your article. Just suppose i wrote a article on "How  to write SEO Friendly post ? " Then i will use internal links like " Tips to write your post like pro " . I will never use irrelivent links like " How to start a blog " or " Boost Blog Traffic "

Up To You : 

So Friends i had tried my best to provide you all the information that are usefull in writing SEO Friendly blog post. Now its upto you if you like this article then dont forget to share it and have any qusestion than you can ask freely in comments box below . Thanks.

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